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'WandaVision' Recap and Finale "WandaVision" has come to a close, after just 9 weeks. Some started off hesitant towards the show, and others fully embraced it. But, either way, I think it left a pretty good impact on it's viewers and the future of Marvel TV. Luckily, we do not have to wait long at all for the next Marvel show to come our way. Falcon and the Winter Soldier comes out March 19th. Overview: 'WandaVision' gave us something we never knew we wanted. Superhero sitcoms. And they did it in a way that enhanced the overarching story of the MCU. I don't know about you, but I would love to see a sitcom with Batman and Superman after watching this show. It would just be fresh and hopefully funny. After 9 episodes, we have now been through our first MCU TV show experience. And from here on out, Marvel seems to be going full throttle. They have content mapped out for nearly every week this year. If it can match the level of creativity and story telling...

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